
Work with your personal adviser to grow your wealth

Exchange Traded Funds


Some investors will hold ETF’s in their portfolios, and this may mean positions in companies such as Smartshares.

HHG was visited on the 28th of May by Anna Scott, CEO and Jermaine Cooper, Client Director from Smartshares for an update on their offerings and general review of activities.

Smartshares are owned by NZX Group and offer a wide range of 40 different ETFs to choose from. An ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) is a way investors can access certain markets and sectors easily with one investment in a New Zealand share. So if you wanted to invest in the largest 500 companies in the USA, the biggest 20 Australian names, or just the largest ten companies here in New Zealand, Smartshares provide a number of options to allow investors to access these markets in one quick, easy investment. You can also access emerging markets, Asia, the bond markets of the workd, or even the entire global stock market through a Smartshares investment.

Anna recently joined Smartshares from Hobson Wealth where she had been their Chief Operating Officer. Previously she had worked at companies such as JP Morgan in London and Koura. Jermaine has been with Smartshares since 2019 and has previously worked with names such as the ANZ Bank, the FCA in the UK, and AdviceFirst in Wellington. With the experience and knowledge they have, and the product range both for today and the future. We look forward to working with them in the years to come.

The following day saw a visit from Betashares. Like Smartshares, Betashares offer a wide range of 93 different ETF, covering similar areas to Smartshares, but with some interesting smaller sector funds, such as Gaming and eSports investments as well as ethical funds covering both Australian and Global investments.

Betashares are also now offering some of their more popular options as PIE funds – meaning that the PIR rate is capped at 28% for these investments. This makes them potentially more attractive to higher rate taxpayers. Currently their Australia 200 fund, Global and Australian Sustainability Leaders Funds, Quality Leaders Fund, and Australian investment grade corporate bond (NZD hedged) funds are available through a PIE wrapper for New Zealand investors.

Like Smartshares, the Betashares range gives investors the opportunity to access international markets or individual sectors in one easy investment, and like Smartshares are often found in portfolios we build for clients. Some of our advisers themselves use both Smartshares and Betashares within their own KiwiSaver or other Superannuation arrangements, which is a pretty good seal of approval for both providers.

If you are interested in any particular overseas countries or sectors, do get in touch as we will be happy to match your requirements to many of the options available, including those from both Smartshares and Betashares.

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