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Investment Committee

HHG Investment Committee Update – June 2024

The June quarter has so far seen the NZX50 give back its gains from the 1st quarter of 2024, with the market now broadly flat. To steal a line from my last quarterly update, “This continues a recent trend of the NZX50 under-performing its global peers.” During our last Investment

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Investment Committee update – March 2024

February was a disappointing month overall for New Zealand investors. The NZX50 index was down 1.1% for the month, whilst the S&P500 was up 5.17%, and the ASX200 was broadly flat. This continues a recent trend of the NZX50 underperforming its global peers. I’ve discussed the reasons for this under-

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Jargon Buster – Investment Committee

Hamilton Hindin Greene’s Investment Committee consists of eight committee members, combining a broad level of expertise which ensures our clients receive a robust investment service. The broad investment philosophy of the Committee is one of long-term growth. The Committee focuses on quality, blue-chip direct equities, fixed interest securities and managed

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Investment Committee – Chairpersons Update

As noted here, the Hamilton Hindin Greene meets quarterly (or as markets dictate). We believe The Committee to be a very important part of our process, helping advisers design bespoke portfolios for our clients. We also believe that it would be beneficial for our clients to get a glimpse behind

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Tax considerations when transferring a UK Pension Scheme

Transferring a UK Pension Scheme can have various tax consequences, and it’s essential to understand these implications before making any decisions. In May 2014, the Inland Revenue Department in New Zealand changed the way benefits held in overseas pension arrangements were taxed. Previously, it was the obligation of the New

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An update from HHG’s sponsored athlete Meikayla Moore:

COUNTDOWN TO THE FIFA WOMEN’S WORLD CUP It has been a long season in Glasgow, starting back in July of 2022 we have just wrapped up at the end of May 2023. Crowned Scottish Women’s Premium League champions and in doing so we achieved our biggest target for the season,

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Richard Parkin visits Baillie Gifford.

The month of May saw Richard visiting family in the UK, who fortunately live close to Edinburgh which presented him with an ideal opportunity to visit Stewart Heggie, Investment Director, and Grant Walker, Head of Intermediary Sales at Baillie Gifford for a further update on developments at the Scottish Mortgage

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Jargon Buster – Credit Ratings.

This quarter’s jargon buster is focused on helping investors better understand credit ratings. Credit ratings are issued by specialist credit rating agencies, they include Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s, and Fitch. Standard & Poor’s are one of the most frequently cited credit rating agencies in NZ for new issues of debt

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Economic Predictions from NZIER – June

As New Zealand recovers from the severe weather events earlier this year, high inflation and rising interest rates have become the key headwinds for households and businesses. These headwinds are weighing on both business and consumer confidence, and this is leading to caution towards spending and investment. The upcoming general

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