
Work with your personal adviser to grow your wealth

Grant Davies

Fight, Flight, or Sit Tight?

Human beings are inherently reactive, a trait embedded in our DNA from our early ancestors. Picture an early human navigating the dense jungle. Every rustle or snap could signal danger – another tribe or a lurking predator. The humans who responded to these sounds lived to see another day, while

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Investment Committee update – March 2024

February was a disappointing month overall for New Zealand investors. The NZX50 index was down 1.1% for the month, whilst the S&P500 was up 5.17%, and the ASX200 was broadly flat. This continues a recent trend of the NZX50 underperforming its global peers. I’ve discussed the reasons for this under-

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Post Election Market Update – It’s Still an Interest Rate Story

Unfortunately, we have not seen a new government bounce for the New Zealand share market as interest rates continue to dominate the narrative when it comes to share market performance. For those uninitiated, the meteoric rise in interest rates over the last couple of years impacts the performance of the

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2022 Stock Picks – Updated

ATM are very dependent on a few things going their way, but they are well positioned for a good turnaround story. The company’s brand strength will be key in the very competitive Chinese infant formula market, however if they can maintain or even grow market share in the region then

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RaboBank Capital Securities (RBOHA)

Credit Rating: BBB- Investment Grade First Call Date: Oct 8 2017 Gross Yield if Called: 8.65%p.a. Rabobank is a brand well known to most New Zealanders. The Dutch banking cooperative has developed a presence in New Zealand, particularly in the rural sector. The relative safety of Rabobank is why we

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NZX50 Capital Index Finally Catches up with 2007

The table above shows the impact of dividends on the NZX50 gross index over the past ten years. The green line representing the oft-reported NZX50 index, and the blue line representing the NZX50 Capital Index which has just surpassed 2007 highs. Grant Davies talks to Stuff reporter Richard Meadows below. New Zealand’s

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