
Work with your personal adviser to grow your wealth

Investing for Income


Tom McBride and Richard Parkin hosted an investor seminar at the Novotel Cathedral Christchurch on Thursday 15th February, looking at investing for income with a focus on generating income in retirement. As well as looking at some of the history behind pensions, Tom and Richard ran through estimated retirement income needs based on data from Massey University and the size of retirement pot that you might need to provide a comfortable standard of living once retired.

The session looked at several aspects of having the right investment allocation and how best to employ bonds and shares in order to provide a reliable and repeatable income stream. This is a particular advantage of using a managed portfolio as we can use that arrangement to generate a regular flow of income – often dividends and bond interest payments arrive at different times throughout the year which can make budgeting difficult. It can also mean that when you receive your NZ Superannuation payments fortnightly, we can establish your account to make payments in the weeks between your NZ Super coming in.

We also touched on overseas pensions. A couple of clients mentioned that they might have some pensions accumulated from time spent in the UK which might be more valuable than they think, so that can form another potential part of any retirement pot that you are building up. If you think you might have something accumulated in the UK from having worked there many years ago, do get in touch and we may be able to assist you in tracking down where that pension may be today.

The session was well attended and well received, and we plan to do similar sessions later this year. Keep an eye out for dates and times and we hope to see you at one of our sessions later in 2024!

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