
Work with your personal adviser to grow your wealth

Make Your Cash Work Harder


While markets have shown early signs of a recovery through October and November, a lot of investors would like to see more concrete evidence of inflation subsiding before committing new funds to either the bond or share market.

If this sounds like you, the best place for your funds are in the highest paying account you can find, but one that also gives you immediate access to those funds, for when the investment opportunity presents itself.

Unfortunately, most banks still offer very poor rates on any account that doesn’t lock your money in for a set timeframe, but Hamilton Hindin Greene can help.

Depending on what sort of account you have with us (custodial or non- custodial), you have access to rates which are likely much better than what your bank is offering. These funds are “on call”, meaning they can be paid out within 1 business day, or used to pay for trades.

  • Custody (Overview) cash rate: 4%
  • Non-custody cash management rate:

<$15k = 3.0%, $15k – $50k = 3.3%, >$50k = 3.9% Please contact your adviser if you would like to transfer funds and earn a better rate on cash. We also offer decent rates on other currencies.

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