
Work with your personal adviser to grow your wealth

Summerset Group Client Presentation


On Tuesday 18th of May, HHG were proud to host Summerset CEO Scott Scoullar for a company presentation over some morning tea at The George. Thanks to all of you who braved the rain and hail to attend, we were very pleased with the turnout and feedback. For those that could not attend, watch this space – we are intending on making these presentations a more regular occurrence and have secured another CEO from an NZX top 50 company for our next one, on the 16th of September.

 Also for those that couldn’t attend, we have included what we thought were some of the presentation’s most interesting slides and a chart showing recent share price performance. If there is anything you would like to discuss in more detail, please do not hesitate to contact your adviser.

You can see from these graphs that Summerset, and retirement villages in general, are very well placed to benefit from a surge in their target client demographic.

Based on the previous graphs regarding demographics, it is reassuring to see Summerset’s consistent record of growth in units.

This slide provides a great overview of Summerset’s business, in particular their strategy of geographical diversification. Summerset place a great emphasis on spreading their retirement villages across NZ than their rivals.

This chart shows the market share of retirement villages, where Summerset are a close second equal to Ryman (along with Metlifecare who have recently delisted from the NZX). One thing that stands out here is the large amount (50%) of “other”, which refers to smaller, independent village operators.

This chart shows the strong 5 year performance on Summerset, especially since the March 2020 Covid lows.

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